Featured Apprentice Story


The first thing you need to know about Sara Pozas Servando is that she’s no ordinary apprentice. Having built a successful career in the care industry, she decided she wanted a change, and started working towards a career in media operations in her early 40s. She has shown jaw-dropping dedication to her new career and her learning, while simultaneously taking care of her family, including her disabled son. She has shown herself to be committed, resilient and always happy to help a colleague by sharing her knowledge. As she learns something new in her apprenticeship, she immediately applies the knowledge to her work, thereby pushing the boundaries of Adopstar’s capabilities and helping our media ops team create dynamic websites for our clients.

Sara is a UI/UX Designer and her key responsibility is to work on clients’ websites to ensure that their users’ journeys are as positive as possible. She has a passion for technology and for this type of design, and she is the team’s trailblazer, always ensuring that she is ahead of the knowledge curve and willing to pass her knowledge on to colleagues. She has been proactive in seeking out additional courses that complement the knowledge base that she is gaining through her apprenticeship.

Sara has helped Adopstar meet our objectives thanks to her wide variety of self-taught skills, including HTML and CSS.

Another key achievement of Sara’s has been discovering the Figma platform, which is an ideal platform for teams working on designing interfaces, websites and applications. By discovering Figma (and completing an online course to master it) Sara has empowered our web development team to collaborate in real time. Being able to see the modifications made by their co-workers in real time makes working remotely (which Adopstar allows its team to do for 4.5 days every week) a simple undertaking.

Sara is contributing to Adopstar’s performance by putting what she is learning into practice, gaining a deeper understanding of our customers’ requirements and contributing to a more effective process for product website creation. Over and above her core duties, she assists the social media team and assists with video editing when she is able to.

When Sara first started as an apprentice at Adopstar, she was working in our Ad Ops division while completing her Level 3 apprenticeship in Digital Marketing. When it became clear that her passion lies in User Experience Design (a field in which Adopstar had no expert at the time), she transferred to the Media Ops division, where she is now working to create the best possible UX designs for our clients’ websites.

Sara has proven that she is not afraid of challenges. A standout success for her was completing a challenging project – a new website for our client Party on the Pitch – that required both technical expertise and effective communication in very little time. Despite the tight deadline, she was able to surpass expectations and deliver exceptional results. Over and above this, Sara is in the process of becoming a member of the Apprenticeship Ambassador Network, which is a group who volunteer their time to promote apprenticeships, both among companies and future apprentices. This showcases her absolute commitment to her apprenticeship.

Contributions to business growth or development Sara’s growing expertise in User Experience design creates a new revenue stream for Adopstar, and a new way in which we can help our clients succeed. The contribution that Sara has made to Adopstar became very clear on Adopstar’s last awards evening in December 2022. The array of awards that she raked in included, amongst others, Most Valuable Player, WOW Customer Champion, Apprentice of the Year and Employee of the Month for November. How this experience will build the apprentice’s career Sara is highly knowledgeable, always willing to share her knowledge and skills and extremely efficient. All these characteristics make her management potential. She will be our natural choice for a UX Design Manager when our Media Ops division expands enough to necessitate this role. With the knowledge that she has gained, coupled with that which she will continue to gain while continuing with her Digital User Experience apprenticeship, she is an integral part of Adopstar’s Media Ops team. One of Sara’s main future goals is to design for everyone, thereby making the digital world more accessible through her work. The experience that she is gaining will doubtless help her to reach that goal.

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